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Oklahoma Coalition for

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Increasing Affordable Housing Supply: A Primer of Strategies to Implement

1 May 2024 10:37 AM | Anonymous

Increasing Affordable Housing Supply: A Primer of Strategies to Implement

Housing For Communities, Inc., a regional nonprofit housing organization, is pleased to announce a groundbreaking workshop, "Increasing Affordable Housing Supply: A Primer of Strategies to Implement," scheduled for May 21, 2024, at the MetroTech Springlake Campus. This one-day event aims to provide a comprehensive exploration of essential strategies to address the pressing need for affordable housing in communities across Oklahoma.

The day will commence with an introduction and welcome from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), followed by a presentation of the Oklahoma Academy Town Hall Results, providing valuable viewpoints and insights from stakeholders across the state.

 Community leaders attending the workshop will gain valuable insights into strategic planning by exploring fundamental approaches to expanding local affordable housing, enabling informed decision-making to bridge the affordability gap.

 The workshop will feature an in-depth exploration of the four HUD Affordable Housing Strategies:

 1. Effective Use of Public Funds: Discover federal and state resources that support affordable housing production, examples of projects, and tips on applying for these federal funds.

 2. Effective Use of Other Funds: Learn about other financing options that support affordable housing development and households seeking homeownership.

 3. Policies, Infill Development & Land Use: Hear about zoning policy research, zoning changes, Guthries’ Build and Invest Initiation and how a local housing development organization puts it all together to create a neighborhood.  Gather ideas for infill development, density bonuses, expedited permitting, working with cities and more.

 4. Development of Public Land & Partnerships: Discover ways to kickstart the production of affordable housing using existing assets through the development of public land and community partnerships.

The workshop will conclude with a wrap-up session, providing a snapshot of the day's presentations and capturing group thoughts on ways Oklahoma can implement these strategies.

Registration is $149, available until May 15th at

Sponsorships are still available through May 3rd.

This event will provide 8 hours of real estate HOT Topic CE credit.

Register Today!


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Andrea Flowers-Householter,

Executive Director

P.O. Box 30661
Edmond, OK 73003

Phone: (405) 406-2721 


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